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Tratamentos & Serviços

Acupuncture Session



De origem chinesa e com aproximadamente 5 mil anos de existência, a acupuntura, através de estímulos no corpo é uma forma de beneficiar, fortalecer e restaurar a saúde.

Diversas são as formas de realizar a acupuntura, a mais tradicional é através de agulhas (estéreis e descartáveis) muito finas, mas também pode ser realizada através de estímulo térmico (moxa), pressão (ventosa), imãs e outros.

De modo geral, a acupuntura é o estímulo de locais específicos que buscam promover reações fisiológicas que permitirão o corpo a retornar ao estado saudável, tanto quanto seja possível.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Our Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment will easily help rejuvenate your senses and invigorate your muscles. When you are better relaxed, you tend to make healthier choices, which in turn results in healthier lifestyles, and ultimately in a well balanced individual. Book your appointment today to start your healing journey.

Body Acupuncture

Our years of combined experience have taught us the best ways to provide safe, effective treatments to care for our patients. Jump start your immune system with our Body Acupuncture treatment and start seeing results. Contact us today to book your appointment and check out what else we’ve got to offer you.


Feeling like your body and soul are not exactly connected? Looking for a relaxing treatment experience? Our Acupressure treatment will put your body at ease. Take some time out of your busy day to begin to heal yourself the right way. Our certified healers can pinpoint any spot that may be experiencing pain or discomfort and treat you accordingly. Book your appointment today.

Tratamentos & Serviços: Treatments & Services Available
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